Technological Mini Reviews


This collection of mini-reviews focuses on new concepts, technology and technical applications that can transform research in endocrine tumours and cancers. These articles are essential for researchers looking to stay at the forefront of technological advancements in the field.

We welcome contributions to this collection 

Endocrine-Related Cancer publishes the latest in high quality work across all aspects of endocrine oncology. However, we understand that in some cases, emerging themes may not yet be suitable for a full review article. We therefore welcome submissions of mini-reviews to this collection. Articles should be concise, informative, and no more than 3000 words in length, with limited references and figures and be accompanied by a graphical abstract where possible.

If you are interested in contributing, please submit an article proposal to, or include one within the cover letter of your submission.


Published articles:

Percutaneous ablation of low-risk papillary thyroid cancer
R Michael Tuttle, Duan Li and Fourat Ridouani

Bioengineered in vitro three-dimensional tumor models in endocrine cancers
Aleksander Skardal, Hemamylammal Sivakumar, Marco A Rodriguez, Liudmila V Popova and Priya H Dedhia