The authors and journal apologise for an error in the above paper, which appeared in volume 26 part 7, pages 643–658. The error relates to the artwork of figure on page 649, in which incorrect images were used in panel O.
The correct Figure 2 is given in full below:
H19 promotes cell proliferation, migration and invasion in pNENs. (A) Baseline lncRNA H19 levels in eight cell lines (24N, 20N, 37N, 24T, 20T, 37T, QGP-1 and 37 liver) identified by qPCR assay. (B) The H19 knockdown efficiencies were verified by qPCR assay. CT represents cell transfection with control lentivirus; 1A, 2A and 3A represent cells transfected with three kinds of H19 shRNA lentiviruses. (C, D and E) Proliferation of H19-knockdown and control QGP-1 and pNEN primary tumor cells. (F) Colony formation assays of H19-knockdown and control QGP-1 cells. (G) Cell morphology of H19-knockdown and control QGP-1 cells. (H) Transwell assays showed that the invasiveness and migration capabilities of QGP-1 cells and 37T cells were significantly reduced when H19 expression was decreased. (I) The H19 overexpression efficiencies were verified by qPCR assay. NC represents cells transfected with control lentivirus; H19-OE represents cells transfected with H19 overexpression lentivirus. (J, K and L) Proliferation of H19-overexpressing and control QGP-1 cells and pNEN primary tumor cells. (M) Colony formation assays of H19-overexpressing and control QGP-1 cells. (N) Cell morphology of H19-overexpressing and control QGP-1 cells. (O and P) Transwell assays showed that the invasiveness and migration capabilities of QGP-1 cells and 37T cells were significantly increased when H19 was overexpressed. (*P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.001.) A full color version of this figure is available at
Citation: Endocrine-Related Cancer 28, 4; 10.1530/ERC-18-0552e